How to apply for a place

For Years Nursery and Reception, the Council will co-ordinate admissions, allocate places to the academy and inform families.

Parents/carers should apply using Birmingham Council’s schools’ admission process.

Further information can be found here, or from the school office, of how to apply for a place at our academy, including the admission process.

Admission Arrangements Documents

Admission Arrangements 2023 – 2024

Admission Arrangements 2024 – 2025

Admission Arrangements 2025 – 2026

E-ACT Supplementary Information Form 2023-2024


E-ACT Supplementary Information form 2025 -2026

Birmingham City Council Admission form

Fair Access Criteria

Stage of processDate
Application period starts1st October 2023
Closing date for applications15th January 2024
National Offer Day16th April 2024
Deadline for submitting appeals12th May 2024
Appeal hearings for appeals submitted on time17th May 2024
Round closes31st July 2024
Term starts2nd September 2024


Number of places available

We have a net capacity of 420 children plus 78 part time Nursery places (498 PAN.)

If there are more applications than places at Mansfield Green, we will offer places in the following order of priority:

  1. looked after children or children who were previously looked after (including previously looked after children from outside of England)
  2. children who are attending the linked infant school when their parents apply and who will still be attending at the end of year 2
  3. children (siblings) with an older brother or sister at the infant or junior school who will still be attending the school when they start
  4. children who live nearest the school


Mid-year admissions

For children wishing to move to the academy during the academic year, or outside of the normal transfer phase these are known as ‘Mid-Year’ admissions.

Mid-year applications can now be made directly to our academy or Birmingham LA.

Our academy uses Birmingham application forms and these can be obtained below. Once completed this must be returned directly to our academy.

Our academy will then liaise directly with parents/carer and the local authority as required. Parents/carers will have the right to appeal a decision should their child be refused a place.

Parents/carers should ensure that their child continues to attend their named school until they officially join Mansfield Green.



Further information can be obtained regarding  appeals from Birmingham City Council. The button below will take you directly to this information and procedure.


Additional information can be obtained from the Department for Education. To access this information please click below.

school admissions appeals code 



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