Welcome to our Nursery page.

There are currently AM sessions available in Nursery.

The Nursery team is made up of Mrs Chilton and Mrs Begum.


Learning in Nursery

Our children experience a mixture of whole class, small focus groups and one to one learning.  Learning is centred around the emerging needs of the children and focuses on the seven areas of learning and development.

All children in Nursery will be encouraged to explore and learn outdoors as well as indoors. They will have the opportunity to get messy and participate in sensory play.  Sensory play supports: language development, cognitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving and social skills.  This will enable our children to become active learners, explorers and confident risk takers.



All children in Nursery will have half termly homework, which will include physical development activities, maths (number and / or shape) tasks and another activities related to the topic.


Reading is an essential life skill and we believe that all children should embrace a love of reading. All children in Nursery are given a book that is suited to their reading stage along with a picture book of their choice to take home and read.  Please share these books with your child at home and let us know how they have got on with their reading by leaving a comment in their reading records.

Our approach to learning

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