At Mansfield Green E-ACT Primary Academy, we value Art and Design as an integral part of pupil’s education as it has a significant role in the taught curriculum.  It sets out to develop pupil’s creativity, engage and challenge them through appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to investigate, invent and create their own works of art (as set out in the National Curriculum).

Our Art and Design curriculum focuses on five elements: Making, Generating Ideas, Formal Elements, Knowledge of Artists and Evaluation.  Pupils learn different skills such as: drawing, experimenting with colours, painting, textiles (sewing, tie dying, weaving), 2D printing and producing 3D sculptures.  Moreover, pupils are taught to generate ideas and take inspiration from a range of artists and crafts people by learning all about their work and techniques. They also learn about the different art elements including colour, line, shape and tone.

The skills pupil learn are also applied to cross-curricular topics, allowing pupil to explore topics in more detail, for example by sketching historical buildings/artefacts accurately to gain a better understanding.  Moreover, we encourage the development of the knowledge and skills learnt in other subjects, such as Maths, English, Science, D&T and History by utilising them in Art lessons – an example of this is applying the understanding of fractions and ratios by looking at proportions in art.

It is integral that the artwork pupils produce is meaningful. We actively encourage pupils to evaluate their own work as well as others.  Although pupils may be taking inspiration from other artists, they must know what the intended outcomes are so they can critique their own work against this, enabling them to build a more complex vocabulary when discussing art.

The art curriculum at Mansfield Green E-ACT Primary Academy has been chosen to ensure progression, a development of knowledge and skills whilst engendering a love for and enjoyment of the subject by all pupils in our primary school. 

Our aim is to ensure that our artists are successful individuals in their chosen field/career.

Art long term curriculum overview

Our approach to learning

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