Rules of Basic English Grammar — iTEP

The English curriculum at Mansfield Green E-ACT Primary Academy aims to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills required to enable them to confidently express their opinions and ideas through both verbal and written communication.  Our aim is to give all of our children a solid foundation and provide them with a love of literature that ensures they leave Mansfield Green as literate individuals who are skilled and competent readers and writers.

We have worked to develop and enhance our English curriculum where the skills of WritingGrammarReadingSpelling and Handwriting will all work together to provide a thorough understanding.

With this in mind, we have written these curriculum guidelines to ensure that we have high expectations for the quality of our planning, lesson delivery, assessment and above all to instil a love of English.



Across the academy, English lessons follow the Talk 4 Writing approach while ensuring national curriculum coverage. Talk 4 Writing moves from dependence in the imitation and innovation stages with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop children’s writing ability towards independence with children showcasing what they have learnt. It also enables children to read and write for a variety of audiences and purposes within English lessons as well as in different subjects.

Fundamental to the teaching of English at Mansfield Green is the careful selection of good quality fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts that all children experience and draw upon. It is important that children of all ages are exposed to a variety of different text types and genres to develop their understanding, skills and knowledge.

The English curriculum at Mansfield Green E-ACT Primary Academy has been chosen to ensure progression, a development of knowledge and skills whilst engendering a love and enjoyment of literature and the subject by all pupils.

We aim to provide every pupil with a high-quality education in all areas to ensure they are able to develop the skills and knowledge needed to progress in their education.

English Curriculum Intent 2023 – 2024


High Level Overview

Click on the link below to find out which texts our children will be exploring this academic year. You will also be able to find an overview relating to Handwriting and what we use to support the improvement of handwriting.

Whole School Class Readers 2023 – 2024





Our approach to learning

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