Personal Development - Parkside Academy

Our curriculum has a clear purpose and is focused around our academy ethos, core values and our agreed Aims and Principles. Our intention when delivering Personal Development is to widen the understanding of learning beyond the classroom to prepare our children to be successful adults upon leaving Mansfield Green. 

Our Personal development curriculum reflects the academy’s vision and values. At the core of this is to demonstrate and teach the skills, knowledge and understanding that pupils need to lead confident, healthy lives and to become informed, active, and responsible citizens. 

Key Strands

Personal development encompasses many areas including;

Safeguarding (including vulnerable & disadvantaged children

Relationships Education/Relationships & Sex Education/Health Education (RHE/RSHE)

Mental Health

Personal Social Health Economic Education (PSHE)

Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Development (SMSC)

British Values

Careers Information Advice Guidance (CIAG)

Citizenship & Character

Equality Diversity & Inclusion

Online Safety

Education Recovery (i.e. E-ACT Relationship & Recovery/E-ACT MH Curriculum)

At Mansfield Green, we teach personal development through 6 key threads; health and well-being, British values, relationships, living in the wider world, safeguarding and ethos/key values.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Click on the link below to see the intent of our Personal Development Curriculum, how we will implement it and the impact it will have for our children.

Personal development intent, implementation and impact

Our approach to learning

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We recommend
Personal Development
Personal Development